see -
"x x x.
Quite the contrary, he employed his knowledge and skill of the law as well
as took advantage of the credulity of petitioners to secure undue gains for
himself and to inflict serious damage on others. He did so over the course of several years in a sustained and unrelenting fashion and outdid his previous wrongdoing with even greater, more detestable offenses. He has hardly shown any remorse. From how he has conducted himself in these
proceedings, he is all but averse to rectifying his ways and assuaging
complainants' plight. Respondent even foisted upon the IBP and this Court his duplicity by repeatedly absenting himself ·from the IBP's hearings
without justifiable reasons. He also vexed this Court to admit his Appeal
despite his own failure to comply with the much extended period given to
him, thus inviting the Court to be a party in delaying complainants' cause.
For all his perversity, respondent deserves none of this Court's clemency.
x x x."